Just east of Ann Arbor is Ypsilanti, a hidden gem where visitors can share their love of art and design. The artwork tells a story, and often pays tribute to Ypsilanti’s history and heroes. Here are five ways you can immerse yourself in Ypsi's visual arts scene:  

honeybee alley

Public Murals  

Area artists are collaborating with youth to bring larger-than-life artwork to Ypsi. Murals including ‘A Beautiful phenomenon: Girls Bee Free’ and the ‘50 Strong’ memorial are projects created by students and artists.

Girls Bee Free Mural

'50' Strong is located in an art-filled parking lot downtown. Pause for a moment here, then take a look around and you'll be surrounded by creativity.

50 strong mural

A collaboration between Youth Arts AllianceOur House, and community brought a vision of this mosaic mural to life. Almost 100 people helped add glass pieces to make this colorful display. 

301 w michigan mural

The Ypsilanti African-American mural project honors the late Ypsi movers and shakers, including the power of local women in Ypsi's history. Organizer & Artists: Lynne Settles and YCS Students.  

African American Mural Project

Discover more public art in unconventional locations like alleyways, including this signature mural by Gary Horton downtown. You'll find artwork in parking lots Prospect Park’s skatepark, and the Parkridge Park basketball court.  

Gary Horton Mural downtown Ypsi

Statues & Sculptures  

Downtown at the Ypsilanti District Library plaza stands a statue of Harriet Tubman leading a child to freedom. The statue honors Tubman and Ypsilanti’s recognized involvement in the Underground Railroad. Artist: Jane DeDecker.   

harriet tubman statue Ypsilanti

The historic Highland Cemetery is home to a memorial paying tribute to Black Ypsilanti soldiers who fought in the Civil War. Often overlooked, the monument will add nearly 40 names and recognize those who are not listed. Artist: John Pappas.  

Highland Cemetery civil war memorial

Create your Own 

Stock up on your favorite art supplies and take home artwork from the artist-owned Ypsi Art Supply.  Innovative art hubs like Be Creative Studio offer creative classes and workshops, and Tipsy Ypsi hosts paint parties for any occasion. Monthly events like First Fridays Ypsilanti bring free family-friendly activities.

Ypsi Art Supply store owner in shop


Ypsi is home to a handful of exceptional galleries like 22 North, providing exposure to emerging and under-recognized visual artists. Riverside Arts Center is a community space nurturing dynamic arts and cultural programs through education and art activities. 

Michigan Art Gallery

Spaces like the Michigan Art Gallery features selected works from the golden years of Michigan art. Eastern Michigan University houses three public galleries on campus showcasing student and professional fine artwork.   

Buy Ypsilanti Artwork  

Several shops carry locally created artwork and Ypsilanti-themed items. Browse our shopping page for more one-of-a-kind finds!

love is the answer mural

This is just a highlight of the amazing visual artwork found in Ypsilanti, with more to be discovered! Check it out of your next nearby visit.

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