Values in Action

To be the community we believe we are, we must do our part to welcome everyone in a way that makes them feel most appreciated.  We believe there is interconnectivity in recognizing yourself, your culture, and your values in the community around you and feeling welcomed, included, and appreciated. 

Recognizing and celebrating what’s great about the Washtenaw County community is what we already do, every day.  Now we are taking that next step to ensure we are doing it, with more intention, through a wider and more inclusive lens of diversity. 

This is a journey. Our commitment to inclusion across race, gender, age, religion, identity, experience, and ability moves us forward every day. Destination Ann Arbor will continue to strive for these to be more than just words. We pledge: 

  • Leadership commitment and accountability in setting goals for diversity in staffing and board and committee recruitment 
  • Strategic goal setting in our operational, sales, and marketing plans including website and social media branding 
  • Staff educational, communication, and mentoring opportunities 
  • Community engagement: philanthropy, external board representation, diverse-owned businesses, external employee resource groups 

Walking the Walk DEI Series

Walking the Walk Series

Destination Ann Arbor would like to highlight hospitality-industry businesses in Washtenaw County that are “Walking the Walk” – genuinely and intentionally incorporating DEI best practices.