Washtenaw 2030 logo

If you’re a Washtenaw County local with thoughts on how we could improve the visitor experience in our community, we want to hear from you!  
Destination Ann Arbor is an Ann Arbor-based destination marketing organization, sometimes called a convention and visitors bureau, that works toward economic development for all of Washtenaw County via tourism and visitor spending. Our latest project is a long-term strategic plan called ​Washtenaw 2030: A Destination Master Plan​.  

We’re looking for input from community members who have ideas for how we could create a strategic vision and roadmap toward improving the visitor experience in the Ann Arbor area, as well as generating economic benefits for those who live and work here. So, we’re holding a town hall meeting this month, plus doing one-on-one interviews, holding focus groups, and finalizing details for a public online survey that will launch in several weeks.  
The final product resulting from this process will incorporate community input and identify both assets and opportunities involving infrastructure, facilities, services, attractions, and events that could be created or improved to enhance both the visitor experience and general quality of life in Washtenaw County.  
Interested in participating? We hope so! Details for the first town hall are as follows:

● Date and time: ​August 28, 2019​ from 6 - 7:30 p.m.

● Location: Sheraton Hotel, 3200 Boardwalk Drive, Ann Arbor

● Community members should RSVP at ​https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfnLS6yQddZ1iqL1jbsqJtonNjyg27_uWidtmv_9QL77fAvcA/viewform

Those who are unable to attend this town hall are encouraged to fill out our online survey to have their thoughts recorded: https://washtenaw2030.org/take-our-survey.    

See you there!