Title Nine offers and makes a collection of only the best women's outdoor and athletic wear, sports bras and casual clothing.
Title Nine is a small, Northern California company, woman-run and owned since 1989. No larger corporation, no outside investors – with the help of their community and their customers they've boot-strapped their way to a band of 300 or so – all committed to the idea of women owning and risking and leading.
They believe that the outdoors and a good workout can be the antidote to many of life's problems. They believe that business is a a team sport, a grand experiment and a powerful engine of change. Above all, they believe in women. They are fit to run, they are fit to lead, they are fit to win.
Title IX, to be more specific – the 1972 act that made it illegal for any public institution to limit participation in sports based on a person’s gender. It changed the athletic world and the lives of women everywhere