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Ypsilanti Holiday Retail Gift Guide 2020

Time to start checking off boxes on that gift-shopping list! With the holidays just around the corner, shop retail locally this year and show your love for small businesses. Here in Ypsilanti, you’ll find quality products and gifts for your loved ones to enjoy while feeling good knowing that your…

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What to Expect When Shopping Safely in Ypsilanti

Retail shops are reopening slowly and safely around the Ypsilanti area with new safety precautions and guidelines recommended by the CDC on social distancing. Shops are adapting to this new normal by limiting the amount of guests in a store. Some have implemented extra restrictions to help keep…

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Celebrate Beer Week with Ann Arbor Brews

If you didn’t already have enough reasons to support your local Ann Arbor area breweries, this week is American Craft Beer Week®. The Michigan Brewers Guild invites residents around the state to join them in celebration of local brews during May 11-17, 2020, a recognition of small and independent…

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Great Minds Think A Lot: Khadija B. Wallace

In October 2019, as Khadija B. Wallace’s grandkids candied apples that would be delivered as a “thank you for your business” gift to several clients of Joyful Treats – Wallace’s Ypsilanti-based catering service – the original vision for the company was made manifest. “The idea was, this would be our…

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Great Minds Think a Lot: Sean Duval

This profile is the inaugural edition of Destination Ann Arbor’s Great Minds Think a Lot series, highlighting influential leaders in Washtenaw County who make a positive impact within our community. Sean Duval is the kind of person that some would present as evidence that the American Dream is…

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