Event Sponsorship Program 


Destination Ann Arbor has developed the Event Sponsorship Program to support Washtenaw County communities in their efforts to create economic growth, promote their destination for overnight and day visitors, and create strong community fellowship. 


Any Washtenaw County event organizer. 


Factors Destination Ann Arbor may consider in evaluating a sponsorship request include, but are not limited to: 

  • Location of Event: The event must take place and serve to promote travel and tourism to Washtenaw County 
  • Event Request Date: The application must be submitted to Destination Ann Arbor at least 90 days prior to the proposed event. 
  • Amount of Sponsorship Request: Fund availability is based on the Destination Ann Arbor’s yearly sponsorship budget.  
  • Recognition of Destination Ann Arbor as a Sponsor: Destination Ann Arbor's logo and/or name should be utilized in conjunction with any promotion of the event.  
  • Use of Funds: Funds will not be provided for capital projects or general organizational operating expenses. 
  • Time of Year: Preference in funding may be given to events that happen during the need period of December through April. 

The number of sponsorships and amount of funding are restricted and may vary from year-to-year depending on budgetary limitations. There are no guarantees that a sponsorship will be carried over from one year to another.  

For more information about our Event Sponsorship Grant Program or CTAP, or to submit a request for sponsorship, please contact Amy Karbo. akarbo@annarbor.org

Amy Karbo

Amy Karbo, CTA Vice President of Marketing

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